*All workshops and seminars are put on hold due to the covid19 pandemic*
Loose Leash Walking Workshop
Tired of your dog dragging you around by the leash around the neighborhood or the park? Don't miss this workshop to learn some great techniques in getting your dog to WANT to be near you instead of at the far end of the leash going away from you! Learn to be a team in the walking experience with our force free ideas!
Happening in April- stay tuned!
Dogs allowed at this amazing outdoor event! Only 12 teams allowed and we anticipate spots will go fast.
Only $120 per team (humans and dog) Only $60 to audit (come watch and learn without bringing a dog)
Come One Come All! Workshop
This workshop enhances your dogs motivation and desire to come a runnin' when you call him. If this intrigues you, be sure and check in for this upcoming May workshop information You don't want to miss it!