Buster at 4 months
These articles or videos about dog training may help you address particular concerns about your pet's behavior
Digging Problems
Excessive Barking
Free e-book that is a great supplement to our courses called "Optimism Rocks"
Hyper dog
Introducing Cats
Introducing cat to dog
Introducing dogs
Animal Laws
Here are some dog training links and websites that I really enjoy:
- A website devoted to loving, raising and training dogs
- A website for those wishing to work with flower essences for a variety of behavior issues and concerns
- Here is an article on pet proofing the home and yard with some great tips!
- This page list toxic plants for cats and dogs
- Here is an interesting scientific article based on the benefits of having a WFH (work from home) dog during the Covid19 pandemic
- Click here to learn the fine art of stuffing a Kong
- Here is a website dedicated to concept training and using games to build real life skills for you and your dog
- An interesting website with great ideas on keeping our dogs safe from theft in a post Covid 19 world
- Here is a webpage with tons of e-books by the Absolute Dogs Team
Local Grand Junction Animal Rescue Websites
Roice Hurst Humane Society
Mesa County Animal Services
Grand Valley Pit Crew
Graceland Animal Rescue
Knowledge is power!
Products, books, DVD's and information to help you with your pet behavior needs
Click here to buy my first e-book on house training
Click here to discover Karen Pryor Clicker Training products
All the popular new authors and DVD's can be found at Dogwise.com
Have you ever heard of the thundershirt? I have had good success with it's use in many anxiety related cases and highly recommend it's use.